Today was the little prince's first day of preschool. Wow...preschool, I'm still trying to wrap my head around that one (hehe). We've been talking about this all summer long because preparation is key when it comes to this child. So we got prepared by signing him up for summer camp at the same school which went amazingly well. Do I seem surprised? Well, I was - I was completely convinced that he would cry the first three weeks (of a five week camp) and then fall in love. He amazed us all by loving it after just the first week (and an escape from class the first day...Hahahaha).
So here we are, he wakes up and we are ramping it up in our house. Singing how it's "first day of school" and how he will be the special helper - all the things that will get him excited about school and things are looking great! He gets dressed, has breakfast and of course before heading out the door is instructed to smile pretty for all of the first day of school pics. So after the paparazzi moment (lol), with his backpack and lunch box in hand we head to the car to go to school. The whole drive there I'm thinking 'this is great, he's doing so well - this should be a piece of cake'. What in the world is the matter with me? Do I not know who he is??? Of course the moment that I took him to his class he begins to cry uncontrollably, all the while saying "no mommy, I just want to go home". What a heart wrenching moment for any mother that is - while you calmly try to tell them how great school will be and how much fun they are going to have, your child is clamped so tightly to your neck that it can only be described as a "death grip". I give him a kiss and a big hug and leave my crying boy with his teachers and pray for the best. I return three hours later to find that his crying lasted all of 4 minutes (which I hoped would happen) and he was the model student.
Here begins the new phase of our lives.