Friday, April 16, 2010

The Training Begins - Day One

Today is the start of the little prince's potty training. I've been complaining (more to myself than anyone else) for about 6 months or so that it was time for him to move on from diapers to big boy underpants. Previous attempts (3 in total) have failed and truth be told I just haven't felt like dealing with it but the time has come to make the final move from infancy to toddlerhood.

According to all the literature he has been as ready as any kid could possibly be so I thought to myself this shouldn't be too difficult. Who was I kidding!?! This, like everything else that deals the the prince, has proven to be nothing like the experts say it will be. His initial aversion was to the actual potty itself. Imagine if you will, those cartoons we used to watch as a kids where someone tries to throw a cat in a small bucket of water and they go spread eagle to hold on to the sides - this would be what it looked like trying to get him to even "sit" on the potty. We have since moved past the fear of sitting (thanks to my former sitter who was kind enough to send me the 3-day training method) and moved straight to complete indifference to the idea at all. He would often tell me "no mama, I okay - I have clean diaper". Just recently I started singing the infamous Potty Dance song thinking that if we made it fun it would "click" and he would want to run straight to the potty and get to work. I'm happy in my fantasy world (lol).

Well, day one was today and though we have had no real success (we had three outfit changes) we are on the road. Keep watching and waiting.....

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